Tribute to Gilberto Gil - Da Pá Virada Sessions
3.1. 04:45
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The series Da Pá Virada sessions presents the best musicians of contemporary Brazilian jazz, and beyond. Filmed in São Paulo, each session offers a unique experience by giving a fresh look into Brazil's music scene. The artists for each session are selected in consultation with Stingray DJAZZ's music editor. One of the bands taking part in this series is Caixa Cubo. This trio usually explores Brazil's rhythmically rich landscapes, combining them with modern Brazilian jazz trends. Yet in this singular performance, Caixa Cubo teams up with vocalist Zé Leônidas, selecting special repertoire together with Dani Gurgel from Da Pá Virada Sessions and Rokas Kučinskas from Stingray DJAZZ.
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